Wednesday January 17, 2012
Roary's Spot the Difference. Can you tell whats different between the two pictures? Head over to the Daily Growl for details on how to play!!!
Click the link below to read the full news.
Tuesday January 17, 2012
And the winner is..... The Secrets!!!! The Secrets won the vote for best moshling set. Now Roary wants to know who your favorite all time moshling is. Go to the Daily Growl and comment :)
Click the link below to read the full news.
Monday January 16, 2012
Let's get ready to rum..... ah I mean vote :) It's down to two moshling sets. Who will win, the Foodies or the Secrets? Go VOTE now!!! (The poll is on the left side)
Click the link below to read the full news.
Sunday January 15, 2012
The Moshling Bath is now up and running. I blogged about it earlier this week. I guess it was new to everyone. Check out the link to the Moshi blog below and give your thoughts on how those little moshlings get so dirty!
Click the link below to read the full news.
Saturday January 14, 2012 wants your videos and ideas. They want to know what you want to watch and will reward someone with a huge rox prize if your video gets picked. Read the full news for all the details and how to enter. Think you will be the next star???
Click the link below to read the full news.
Friday January 13, 2012
Main street is going to be changing. There are now boards up where the statue used to be. Roary Scrawl wants Moshi owners to come up with a new idea of what should be in that spot. Head over to the news to add your idea in the comment section and get a chance to win the DS Moshling Zoo game!!!!
Click the link below to read the full news.
Thursday January 12, 2012
The 12th issue of Moshi Monsters Magazine is out. I wish so much they sold the issues in the stores here in the US. It's nice though that you can subscribe if your not in the UK at We do have one of the codes from the magazine in our code section of the blog. Here is the cool dragon wall art...(The dragon will be going on my second floor but for some reason today my second floor won't load for me.)
Click the link below to read the full news.
Wednesday January 11, 2012
Cap'n Buck's ship is back at the members port with new items. If any of you collect cuddly humans like me you will be excited to see these. They are huuuuuuge! Just look at one of them next to my collection.
Click the link below to read the full news.