This is our tips page for anyone who is new to Moshi Monsters or if your just looking for new ideas. If you have tips please send them to us and we will give you credit :D
(more to come)
Caring for your Monster
Your Monsters mood is set by their health and happiness. If you put your mouse over the health and happiness bars you will see the number. 999 is the highest. You want to keep both of these high because you want a healthy and happy monster (It also helps with leveling up)
For your monster to be healthy you have to feed them. Click on your map and go to Main Street. There you can shop for food in the Gross-ery Store. If you need a lot of health points you are better off picking a food item that is worth more rox.
Once you buy your food, go home and you will find it in your inventory. Open up your inventory and drag it to your monster. Yummy!
Want to see your happiness number go up? Try tickling your monster. Hold down your mouse and shake it over their belly. They will giggle, laugh, and crack up. Don't do it to much though or they won't be happy. You'll see your happiness numbers go up. If your monsters happiness still is not full take a break and try again later.
- Feed your monster for health and tickle them for happiness
- Food that is more rox give more health points (starlight cookies and roarberry cheesecake work great)
Leveling Up and Getting Rox
Two main goals of the game is to keep trying to get to a higher level. As your level gets higher its allows you to buy different items. You want to keep earning rox because you need them to buy things in the game like food, things for your room, plants for your moshlings and different houses if you are a member.
Get to a Higher Level
You can do the daily challenge once every day. This levels you up the fastest. Just click on the puzzles button in your room and it will take you to the Puzzle Palace. Click on the daily challenge and try your best. You will also see the bar go up when you play games, but there is a max level for the day.
Earning Rox
Not only do you level up on the Daily Challenge you also can earn lots of rox. 100+ if you score over your average. Most agree that playing games like Moshling Boshling on Main Street is the fastest way to win rox. There is a 250 rox max per day on games.
Earning Rox after you hit your 250 max
Hall of Puzzles
So you did the challenge and you played games... now you hit you max rox for the day. How do you get more??? There is ways to go over your max. The first is to go to the hall of puzzles. You can get there from the puzzle button in your room or go to the puzzle palace from your map. Each puzzle you play is worth 5 rox. Keep playing and those rox will add up.
Rox Plants
Sometimes instead of the plant you meant to plant you get a rox plant. When you dig these up you get a random amount of rox. If you don't mind waiting on getting a Moshling, let them grow and grab some rox :D
Earning Rox after you hit your 250 max
Hall of Puzzles
So you did the challenge and you played games... now you hit you max rox for the day. How do you get more??? There is ways to go over your max. The first is to go to the hall of puzzles. You can get there from the puzzle button in your room or go to the puzzle palace from your map. Each puzzle you play is worth 5 rox. Keep playing and those rox will add up.
Rox Plants
Sometimes instead of the plant you meant to plant you get a rox plant. When you dig these up you get a random amount of rox. If you don't mind waiting on getting a Moshling, let them grow and grab some rox :D
There are always new codes out there, but you can only use them once. Check the Moshi Codes page of this blog for ones that you can use.
Rox Trees (For Members Only)
If you are a member you can head over to the Port and shake some rox trees. They can only be shaken twice per week though. These are great for saving up for something big!!!
Super Moshi Gem (For MembersOnly)
If you completed all of the 10 Super Moshi Challenges you can go back to the volcano and follow the steps in the center of the floor. Here you will find a huge gem. when you click on it... it gives you rox. From what I can see if uses the same amount of rox like for the rox trees. It does run out!
- Do the Daily Challenge everyday for a fast level up and a bunch of rox
- Play games like Moshling Boshling for fast rox and get to your 250 max
- Play the Hall of Puzzles to get 5 rox for every puzzle over your 250 limit
- Let your rox plants grow
- Use the rox codes
- Members shake those rox trees and click the Super Moshi gem
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